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How to Secure Your Wireless Home Network

After the Varanasi bomb blast, Indian Mujahideen terrorists hacked a wireless network to send email for taking the responsibility of this act. Most of the wireless networks are unsecured in INDIA. It is recommended
Unsecured networks are an open invitation to hackers seeking access to vulnerable computers.


Use these simple ways in which you can secure your wireless network.

Change The Admin Password
The default password for most wireless kits is ADMIN or something else set by manufacturers. If you haven't changed this password then change it as soon as you can. It is surprising the amount of wireless networks that are hacked into or accessed by a third party because the ADMIN password is still ADMIN. All manufacturers manuals can be downloaded from the Internet with their admin password easily.

Enable MAC Address filtering
Each wireless device has a unique identifier called the physical address or MAC address.
Access points and routers keep track of the MAC addresses for all devices that connect to them.Wireless routers offer the option to key in the MAC addresses of your home equipment so as to restrict the network to only allow connections from those devices.It ensures that rogue users cannot connect to the wireless router without using advanced MAC spoofing techniques.

Turn on encryption
All wireless devices support some form of encryption. Encryption technology scrambles messages sent over the air and ensures that they cannot be intercepted by hackers. Several encryption technologies exist for wireless communication today.
WPA is the strongest commonly available encryption technology for home devices. While WEP can also be used cracking WEP is just a matter of few minutes.
We would advice corporates to go for WPA with EAP Authentication, TKIP/RC4 Encryption or WPA 2 with EAP Authentication, AES-CCMP encryption for better security.

Change the default SSID
Access points and routers all use a network name called the SSID. Manufacturers normally ship their products with the same SSID set for all routers.
For example, the SSID for Netgear devices is normally 'NETGEAR'. The default SSID can be changed from the administrative panel and should be set to something unique.

Disable remote login
The first router worm brute forces its way into the router in this manner. Most default usernames are set to Admin. It isn't hard for a virus/worm to crack the password if the username is known. The good thing is that routers normally have this disabled by default. Be sure to confirm that it is disabled when you first set up your router and periodically thereafter. If you need to update your router setting remotely, only set up access for the time you are going to be connected.

Do not auto-connect to open wireless networks
Connecting to an open wireless network like a free wireless hotspot or your neighbour's router exposes your computer to security risks and attacks.
Although not normally enabled, most computers have a setting available allowing these connections to happen automatically without notifying the user. This setting should not be enabled except in temporary situations.


Turn off network during extended periods of non-use
Turn off network while not in use. When you do not need the internet, turn off your router. While it is impractical to turn off and on the devices frequently, at least consider doing so during travel or extended periods of downtime.

Position the router or access point safely
Wireless signals normally reach to the exterior of a home. A small amount of signal leakage outdoors is not a problem, but the further this signal reaches, the easier it is for others to detect and exploit.
Wireless signals often reach through neighbouring houses and into streets.hen installing a wireless home network, the position of the access point or router determines its reach.
Try to position these devices near the centre of the home rather than near windows to minimize leakage.Many routers allow you to reduce the range of your router from the administrative panel to prevent the signal leakage.

follow these simple steps and secure your connection .

please comment below if this post is useful for you :)


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