Many people have had this thought of accessing their computer remotely, But some thought it wasn't possible and some didn't knew How to do it. But its virtually possible. You can get into your Pc and browse your files and documents that you want to access. So if you go yourself a tablet, you carry it around with you all the time & do most of your work on it Or there are some programmes that doesn't run on your tab, those programmes which only work in PC's with good configurations Or you are in office and want to access your files or programmes that are in your PC. There are many other scenarios where you might need to access your PC but all you do is sit there like a goat and don't know what to do. There are different doors to your PC Don't worry, It is possible to aceess your computer through you Tablet or Smartphones, through internet. There are some free programmes available which allow you to remote control your PC through other PCs/Tabs/Phones. T...