From Politicians and professors to computer scientists and the first programmer, take a look at the champions of open internet. Julian Assange Editor-In-Cheif, Wikileaks Assange has directed the publication of secret documents on the afghan wars and Guantanamo Bay Prisoner files and US Cables and also disclosed many facts which were unknown to world. He defaced many big companies and reiceved many death threads and became a Bad person in the eyes of the world. Sir Tim Berners-Lee Inventor of the world wide web Tim is instrumental pushing open data at high level to governments around the world and is a campingner against two tier internet. He also strongly supported a group putting pressure on the US government over the proposed US PIPA Act, which aims to impose restrictions and censorship on the internet. Jimmy Wales Chairman, Wikipedia Jimmy Wales is the man behind wikipedia wales participated in an internet blackout, closing the site for a day, in protest agains...