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Showing posts from November, 2011

200+ Pakistani Websites Hacked by Indishell

On 26 November many pakistani sites saw this messages We are the only real & first ever INDIAN CYBER ARMY [ICA] made and existing !! Rest In Peace the Heroes of 26/11 Mumbai Attacks ! We will Never Forgot your sacrifice and We never will let porkis and this world forget it too ! Indishell pays deepest & Sincere homage to all the above mentioned Heroes of India and deepest condolence & sympathy with the 26/11 victims families .We love you..JAI HIND.. THE REAL INDIAN CYBER ARMY WHEN WE, THE COMMON PEOPLE OF INDIA ENJOY OUR FESTIVALS & RITUALS , THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE STANDING IN THE PALE SUNLIGHT WITH HALF CRUNCHED EYES LOOKING AT THE BORDER & ENSURING THE SECURITY OF OURS REMAINS TIGHT!! THAT ARE OUR HEROES..OUR ARMED FORCES..OUR PARAMILITARY FORCES.....THE REAL HEROES... & UNTIL THE LAST DROP OF OUR BLOOD DRAINS WE WONT FORGET U ! This was a tribute to the heroes of 26/11 blast According to our sources this attack was not planned from past many week

Most Used passwords of 2011

These are the most Used Passwords of 2011 Check out you might even find yours in this list Addicting Junkyard advice you to never keep such passwords which are week :) password 123456 12345678 qwerty abc123 monkey 1234567 letmein trustno1 dragon baseball 111111 iloveyou master sunshine ashley bailey passw0rd shadow 123123 654321 superman qazwsx michael football

Alert From Facebook Spamming worms and virus

Hi friends This post is about to know Facebook clickjacking worms and a alert to our followers not do this 1) If you get tagged on a pic called PROFILE PEEKERS don't click on the link, it's a trojan worm, 2) if you receive any URL from chat and it look strange don't click on it 3) Bye-Bye-Osama-Bin-Laden-U-Deserved-To-Die-Bitch famous worm spreading around this have osama image and little description don't click on it 4) there will be a message something abusing you or any message and it have remove button it will ask u to click on remove button don't click on it 5) "Really cool Facebook revolving images. MUST SEE " this is image rotating worm never click on it 6) "Who view your profile..." another most famous worm spreading around Facebook never click URL link with it 7) "Who has visit your profile" same as above just be alert with URL link 8) "try not to laugh xD http://www.

Faster Aakash-2 By February at Same Price

So You've Read about Aakash The Indian Tablet specially designed for Indian Students Its yet to hit the market but the Government has already announced its Second and a better Version. Come feburary 2012, a better and more efficient Aaskash02 the world's cheapest tablet computer, will be available at the price of its first version-- Rs 2,276 ($49). Indian Institute of Technology Rajasthan, has finalised improvements in Aakash-1 that was launched on October 5. "we expect to launch the new version of Aakash by January-February next year" said human resource development minister Mr Kapil Sibal, who is overwhelmed by international response to Aakash, which was showcased as device for "children of the world" at a recent UN Conference in Paris. The Aakash-2 Based on he feedback received from over 500 users of Aakash-1 in IIT's and other insitututions , will have a new microprocessor of 800 megahertz as compared to 366 megahertz processor. This will faste